Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Earthquake on a plane

e e The Dream   f f

We were in a classroom when I felt the ground suddenly shook that made me feel really dizzy. Surprisingly, I was the only one who noticed. But not long enough, it happened again and this time, the earthquake was gradually getting stronger and it didn't stop.  We were all advised to evacuate the plane. It turned out that the classroom was inside an airplane - a very huge and wide one.  Everybody was calm as they made they their way to the nearest exit. But I preferred jumping off the terrace. And  yes, the airplane had  a terrace. How absurd.

e e Interpretation   f f

To dream of an earthquake suggests that you are experiencing a major "shake-up" that is threatening your stability and foundation. The dream highlights your insecurity, fears and sense of helplessness. Is there something in your life that you feel at "fault" for?

According to the bible, earthquakes symbolize God's anger and power.

To see an airplane in your dream indicates that you will overcome your obstacles and rise to a new level of prominence and status. You may experience a higher consciousness, new-found freedom and greater awareness. Perhaps you need to gain a better perspective or wider view on something.

e e realization   f f

I hate to say that I am in denial of what this dream could have possibly meant. I will leave this portion unconcluded until I get a full grasp and acceptance of its meaning.

Source : 

Images are obtained from google.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Spiral Sun

 e The Dream   f

At first, there was pure darkness. Then a dot of light suddenly emerged from pitch black.  It started swirling in a circular motion in one direction. As it spins,  it creates a trail  of light that is continually extending and protruding outwards forming a spiral pattern. The pattern dissipates after reaching a certain distance. It continues to give more light as it disperses. I realized it has become a SPIRAL SUN. It was so bright that it filled the whole surrounding with light.

e e Interpretation   f f

A spiral represents your creative power and new idea. You are surrounded with creative energy. 

To see the sun in your dream symbolizes peace of mind, enlightenment, tranquility, fortune, goodwill, and insight. It also represents radiant energy and divine power. 

e e realization   f f

Oh my. This is getting really exciting  and weirder. I can feel such energy. It's like something is trying to emerge from my subconscious. But honestly, I totally have no clue what it is. I just feel that something's trying to get out. All I know is the impending coming of such mysterious phenomenon... I don't even know what's arriving - if it's a new idea or realization or it could be anything! All I know is... it keeps me excited.

Source : 

Images are obtained from google.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Travelling, ocean, kissing & nakedness!

e e The Dream   f f

I dreamed of visiting a place I've never been before. I'm pretty sure it was Guam. It was very odd that we sailed in the Indian and Atlantic ocean to get there.  I recall having a great time with friends in that place.

In one instance, during the journey, I found myself being kissed by a familar guy but it was somebody else's boyfriend.

In another instance, I found myself bathing and exposed but  I was not ashamed.

e e Interpretation   f f

To dream that you are in a foreign land represents change in your life. Consider how you feel about the surrounding. If you are excited or happy in this unknown place, then it suggests that you are ready for change.

To see an ocean in your dream represents the state of your emotions and feelings. It is indicative of spiritual refreshment, tranquility and renewal. Alternatively, the dream means that you are feeling empowered and unhindered. You have a positive outlook in life and are not limited by anything. If you are sailing across the ocean, then it signifies new found freedom and independence. You are showing great courage.

To dream that you are kissing someone else's boyfriend or girlfriend indicates your wish to be in a relationship and to experience the energy of love. 

To dream that you are taking a bath signifies a cleansing of your outer and inner self. You are washing away the difficult times. This dream may also be symbolic of ridding yourself of old ideas, notions, opinions, and other negativities. Your dream may be pointing toward forgiveness and letting go.

If you dream that you are proud of your nakedness and show no embarrassment or shame, then it symbolizes your unrestricted freedom. You have nothing to hide and are proud of who you are. The dream is about a new sense of honesty, openness, and a carefree nature. Perhaps you are trying to get to the bare facts.

e e realization   f f

Just came from a mission in South Africa just a month ago and it was a life-changing experience for me. It is in the same country where Indian and Atlantic ocean meet - specifically in Capetown, but it's the city I wasn't able to set foot on. I just don't understand why Guam got into the picture. Perhaps it doesn't have any relevance.

Since the day I came back, I feel very different. I feel renewed and very much inspired.  I knew that a big change is about to happen. Until a sudden burst of creativity started flowing into my bloodstream and yes I can totally feel it. I feel the urge to isolate myself in order to  give attention and get hold of these flashes of insights. I devoted myself in materializing these creative thoughts. My drive is so intense that I feel unstoppable. I feel like a volcano erupting after being dormant for a pretty long time. During these times, I have completed  2 full music videos which I have worked on for approximately more or less 36hrs. I have completed drafts of original  music composition (1 instrumental & 2 w/ lyrics & melody). And currently, I am working with a team to finish the arrangement of music. And this is the first time ever that I have accomplished such things! And the passion is getting stronger and stronger everyday!

Moreover, I also feel emotionally refreshed. I have finally let go of the pains that were holding me back. My heart was suddenly filled with enthusiasm and excitement in heading to a new direction in life - a life towards a new way of expression.

And to affirm everything that the dream has revealed, yes I can't deny my desire to finally meeting my one true love. Looking forward! ^_^

Source : 

Images are obtained from google.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Car hole

e e The Dream   f f

I was going to test drive a new modern car. The car looks pretty nice and normal except the whole floor was hollow. But it didn't bother me at all. The idea of falling through it while driving never occurred to me.

e e Interpretation   f f

The car in your dream may symbolize the physical self or ego development and ego function. In that, it represents the way that you travel through your life's journey. 

Recurring car dreams usually deal with life's major themes that may include issues of control and sensibility. By carefully examining this dream, you may gain insight into important areas of life, including to how well you are navigating from one stage of your life to another, if you are assertive and take charge or are passive.

Hole in dream represent how you feel hollow and empty within. Could it be that you have indulged so much in feelings of depression that it's digging yourself into a hole that you can't get out of? You may need to introduce new interests into your life in order to restore your feeling of self-worth and fulfillment.

e e realization   f f

The car represents myself. I have to admit that feelings of hollowness still lingers within me from time to time. Nevertheless, I wouldn't allow such drawbacks to stop me from moving forward for I know that every mile I take, no matter how uncertain the journey may seem, would lead me nowhere else but closer to the path of  wholeness. And that is where I want to be.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Walking on water

e e The Dream   f f

There was this one man walking on top of the water not so far from the shore.  The people who saw him feel indifferent and doubtful except for me. It seemed like his feet is not touching the ground but the water is too shallow to tell if he's doing the real thing.  

To deviate the people from their doubts, I proved them myself. I walked on the water and courageously went far away from the shore. Amazingly, I stayed on top. I told them, ' See, I can walk on water too! How could you doubt so easily?'. And I encouraged them to try it out. A couple of them  followed but the others were still skeptic.

Suddenly, the water slowly turned into ice.  When all areas are finally solid, everyone  followed and walked on ice.

e e Interpretation   f f

To dream of walking on water means that you have supreme control over your emotions. It may suggest that you should keep your emotions contained, so they don't explode. This dream can also symbolize faith in yourself.

If you will remember that when a disciple of Jesus attempted to follow Jesus walking on the water, he did okay until there was doubt.

Since water is often associated with feelings, ice can represent feelings in a frozen or inanimate condition. You may be cut off from your feelings, or you are keeping an idea 'on ice' rather than processing and releasing it. Seeing something frozen, or encased in ice and lifeless, can signify your awareness that some aspect of you is inanimate, possibly because of fear: ‘frozen with fear.’ Dreaming of walking on ice can show the precarious result of trying to skim over emotions. You can 'fall in' and be consumed by them - as in the case of holding in feelings only to explode at the least little incident. 

e e realization   f f

I thought the dream was just revealing my risk-taking nature, how my courage stands out from the rest and my possible potential  to be of great influence to other people. But it seems like my expression of courage has a lurking threat behind it. Could I have the ability to freeze my fears so that I may appear bold enough to face uncertainties in life? This dream reminds me to be cautious particularly in dealing with emotions. My full dominion over my emotions could have lead to suppression and the rebound effect of this could bring more trouble to myself in the long run. 

This is a consistent reminder from my subconscious: Take control of my emotions but not to the point of sucking the life out of it. Negative emotions such as feelings of fear, uncertainty, depression, emptiness, abandonment, etc are not to be pushed away for these feelings exist serving as catalysts for us to open our doors for new opportunities,  fill our hearts with new hope, seek for new sources of happiness and abundance, and accept constant changes in our lives.

Whether good or bad, we treat them as mere emotions that are meant to be experienced for our own benefit. Though we should not allow them to drown us but instead, stay on top of it. And the only trick to keep us suspended is our faith; our total submission to God's providence.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Blood donation

e e The Dream   f f

I dreamt of donating blood. It pictures a syringe injected into my inner forearm and the actual drawing of blood from my veins - filling up the bag of my own blood.

e e Interpretation   f f

A dream that involves blood shows that it is time to face fear. Blood in general indicates life force, happiness, life energy, spirits, and the essence of humanity. This dream can also indicate love, emotion and passion as well as disappointments. 

The meaning of this dream differs depending on the dreamer's experience and situation. It might reflect enthusiasm to help others, or it could reflect the opposite: feeling one has been required to give far too much.

To loose blood can signify loss of love, but can also indicate a needed spiritual surrender – is there something in your life at the moment that you need to sacrifice?  

e e realization   f f

I couldn' t agree more of the last paragraph.  I am emotionally exhausted. Sacrifice is what I am bound to do  - a total spiritual surrender. So help me God. ^_^

Monday, April 2, 2012


e e The Dream   f f

I was mingling with a group of people when an ex-lover of mine came barging in and caught the attention of everyone. He started bragging about how blessed and happy he is with the new girl of his life. It was just recently when he finally decided to cut off our relationship for good then he started seeing somebody else in no time.  I'm pretty sure that he knows my condition without me saying a word. He knew that I'm still not okay. He knew that I'm still enduring the pain. But he doesn't care a bit.  He continued bragging on as if I was not there. And I was like, where does this guy get the guts to do this in front of my face? Where is my respect? I lost my composure and confronted him. And without saying a single word! I slapped him in the face million times.

e e Interpretation   f f

To dream that you slap someone suggests that you are harboring some repressed anger and deep-seeded rage.

To dream that you are expressing anger symbolizes frustrations and disappointments in your Self. You tend to repress your negative emotions or project your anger onto others. You need to look within yourself.

Being angry in your dream may have been carried over from your waking life. Dreams function as a safe outlet where you can express your strong and/or negative emotions. You are suppressing your anger and aggression, instead of consciously acknowledging them.

e e realization   f f

Thank God I have place where I could just slap people if I feel like it.  When I woke up, I felt good. And tired. That was endless slapping. Good thing I woke up.