My Dream World

Ladies and gentlemen!

Welcome to my humble abode - the home of my dreams. 

I decided to put up this blog because I feel the need to share my alternate reality to the world. I am so fascinated with how vivid my dreams are and how every dream relates so much to my waking life. Everytime I recall my dream, I feel energized. It gives me the strength and excitement to face another day. Once I've successfully interpreted a dream, it gives me an energy boost. I feel very enlightened. 

It is like I'm feeding on my dreams.

For some people, their dreams don't mean anything to them. But to me, it is almost as important as the physical reality.

I consider it a privilege to be able to take a peek into my subsconscious in order to listen to and understand what my spirit has to say. It is a very healthy practice for me because I get to reflect and understand myself better. Because the wisdom I get from my dreams is not clouded by the rationality of my conscious mind. I feel like my soul or God itself speaks directly to me through my dreams.

You might find a load of nonsense crap here but just bear with me and my fantasies. I feel happy when I share these things. And nevertheless, I'm sure you will enjoy witnessing my journey into the rabbit hole.

e e Karen   f f
e e i am a passionate dreamer f f
e e i sleep to dream f f

Images are obtained from google