Friday, March 30, 2012

Swimming lessons

e e The Dream   f f

My friends and I decided to resume our swimming lessons. A new student will join us today. We found a perfect pool for us. It is rectangle in shape, the water is clean and crystal clear. It is so clear that when I approached it, I can even see how deep the water is on the other end. It is really deep. I think it's more than 10 feet deep. I became worried about the new student because he doesn't know how to swim yet. 

e e Interpretation   f f

To see a swimming pool in your dream symbolizes relaxation, calmness, luxury and ease. You need to take a break. Alternatively, a swimming pool suggests that you need to acknowledge and understand your feelings. It is time to dive in and deal with those emotions. You need to cleanse yourself and wash away past hurts. Consider the depth of the pool. If you were swimming on the deep end, then it means that those emotions are deeply seeded and may be harder to confront.. You will need to work through it, no more matter how difficult. If you are swimming on the shallow end, then it implies that you should be able to easily deal with your feelings.

Pools often link to ourselves and other people. They link to the real issues concerning our lives and our emotional atttitudes and stances. They symbolise our intuitions and feelings and relationships. Think about how you are interacting with the emotions of those around you. The dream probably links to that in some way. 

e e realization   f f

I definitely need a break ^_^. I felt so exhausted after the day's activity that I felt the need to take a nap. Then I dreamed of this.  I am supposed to go to CLP tonight but I just decided to rest and relax at home coz I feel like I am about to get sick already. I have to pause for a while to regain physical strength for the next days activities.

Cleansing. Yes. I am in the process. I have plotted some actions to get through this. However, I am quite bothered. It makes me feel that what I'm doing is making someone feel uncomfortable. It is difficult. But it has to be done.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Chased by a Tarantula

e e The Dream   f f

And so I noticed a very big and scary tarantula over my head hanging on its web. I was so frightened that my heart jumped and suddenly ran as fast as I could to get away from that freaky thing. But the disgusting creature chased me and followed me whereever I go. Then the spider landed on my palm. I was trying to get rid of it but I couldn't. And what's worse - I felt a strong force that is trying to close my hand. I tried to fight back but I couldn't manage. My fist was pushed to close and the tarantula was crushed inside my hand. I was crying and shouting all the time because I was really scared and disgusted. =(

e e Interpretation   f f

This dream is associated with conflict or some female that is taking over your life.

The key to interpretation is to understand that there are females around you at the moment are extremely powerful. The tarantula is also associated with entrapment. If you kill the tarantula then this signifies that you are able to work yourself through the feeling of being trapped. Maybe you are starting to feel trapped in your job or a relationship. The second interpretation is feeling that you are stepping away from a situation that has been difficult in the past and that you have the power and force in order to mould behaviour towards others. If you killed the tarantula then this dream means that you are likely to encounter some difficult times ahead. There is an area of your life which has proven to be complex and difficult and it is now time to better understand your own intentions - so that you can grow and move on in your work life. This dream is often associated with the metaphor of being trapped. On the positive side this dream means that creativity is your weapon to move on in life.

If you were being chased by a tarantula then this dream demonstrates the end of innocence and you need to start to grow up as you are facing situations in an immature manner.
Seeing a tarantula in ones dream means that you have many enemies behind closed doors and it is time for you to be happy and move on in your life. There may be some ill luck coming your way.

Jet Black tarantula = dishonesty, terror, disappointment.

New beginnings in your life are needed if in your dream… 

  • You expressed any negativity to the tarantula in your dream.
  • Within your dream the situation was not making you feel comfortable.
  • The dream involved you feeling unable to perform.

e e realization   f f

It is time. I am heading to a new beginning.

Source :
Images are obtained from google.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Wearing underwear in public

e e The Dream   f f

I went out in public not realizing I was just wearing shirt and panties. I don't remember where I came from but I know I was heading home. When I finally realized, I got really ashamed. And I got really afraid and worried because some might mistaken me as a prostitute. So what I did is I stretched my shirt down to my thighs so that it would look like a dress. But I'm still worried what would my parents say when I get home. I left home with pants and now I came back with none! (This is Dubai setting so my parents in real life is not actually here)

e e Interpretation   f f

To see or wear panties in your dream represent your feminine attitudes and feelings. It reflects a female point of view.

To dream that you are in your underwear signifies a situation that has created a loss of respect for you. Alternatively, it symbolizes some aspect of yourself that is private. If you feel ashamed of being seen in your underwear, then it indicates your hesitance in revealing your true feelings, attitudes, and other hidden habits/ideas.

Underclothes may represent your hidden attitudes and prejudices. If you dream of feeling ashamed at being seen in you underwear, this may indicate an unwillingness to reveal your feelings or have your attitudes made public.

Some wise dream oracles tell us that to dream of being in your underclothes is an omen of stolen pleasures that will rebound with grief.

    e e realization   f f

    In my attempt to stay strong thus appearing unaffected despite of the unfavorable situation happening to me or despite of fears or feeling of depression, I tend to suppress my true feelings. 

    I realized that I am not being true to others as well as to myself.

    Now I have come to realize the value of sincerity. I should humble myself enough to acknowledge my weaknesses, my hurts and my pains.  And I should not be ashamed of it. In return, God Himself will fill my empty cup with His love and grace which is the true source of strength. Then I will be full again.

    Sources :

    Thursday, March 1, 2012

    Jumps off a high rise waterfall

    e e The Dream   f f

    I jumped off a very hiiiiiiiigh waterfall with ***.  And we did it TWICE!!! I don't remember reaching the ground though. I didn't show any hesitance when we were about to do it but I was a little scared deep inside. =D

    e e Interpretation   f f

    To see a waterfall in your dream is symbolic of letting go. You are releasing all those pent up emotions and negative feelings. Alternatively, the dream represents your goals and desires. In particular, if the waterfall is clear, then it represents revitalization, regeneration and renewal.

    To dream of a waterfall, foretells that you will secure your wildest desire, and fortune will be exceedingly favorable to your progress.

      e e realization   f f

      Before I went to sleep, I was working on my Dream/Goal Book. I compiled in a book - pictures that represent my dreams and goals in life. Some of them are really far-fetched. But who cares? It's free to dream big.

      This is also the day I joined FLP. Hmm, so I guess I'm on the right track? ^_^
      Honestly, I was not confident with myself coz I felt I don't have what it takes to be successful in this line of business. But I can't help myself stepping forward. I have a very strong will to learn new things and to take risks just to get myself an inch closer to my dreams.

      It also relates to something that I have to let go of - maybe things holding me back to achieve my desires.

      Sources :